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Plain Local Schools Convocation

Plain Local Schools Convocation

Plain Local Schools kicked off the 2023-2024 school year during convocation on August 17. The event, which gathered all Plain Local Schools employees, was held at the new Plain Township Amphitheater at Legacy Park. Thank you to Gioninos, Drug Mart, and the Plain Local Schools Foundation and Alumni Association for providing lunch. The GlenOak High School Marching Band and cheerleaders performed for the crowd.

Superintendent Brent May welcomed several guests and thanked the Plain Local Schools community partners including the Plain Local Schools Board of Education (Eugene M. Cazantzes, President, Monica Rose Gwin, Vice President and members Jennifer Fitzsimmons, Dr. Ambrose Perduk Jr., and John W. Halkias). Other organizations in attendance were Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health, Kent State University Stark, Plain Township Fire and Rescue , Plain Township Historical Society, Stark County Sherriff’s Office, Stark Library, Stark Parks, United Way of Stark County and the YMCA.

A huge thank you to Plain Township Trustees John Sabo Brooke Harless and Scott Haws as well as Plain Township Administrator Lisa Campbell and Parks Director Rob Steinberg for their instrumental work in creating the Plain Township Amphitheater at Legacy Park and for their continued support of the Plain Local School District.

The afternoon ended by sharing the district theme for the 2023-2024 school year, “Watch Me Soar.” This theme embodies the spirit of growth, resilience, and achievement. The theme aims to inspire a sense of determination and perseverance, urging everyone to overcome challenges, spread their wings, and soar to new heights. Staff members passed the mic and shared how they plan to help their students soar this school year. Stay tuned for more soaring moments from Plain Local Schools.

Use the arrows to scroll through photos from the event: 

2023 Convocation by mbeddell